
Donotallowplasticobjects,sugar,or foodswith highsugarcontentto meltontothe
hotcooktop. Meltedmaterialscancausepermanentdamagetothecooktop. If you
accidentallymeltanythingontothecooktopor a sugarysolutionboilsover, remove
it immediatelywhilethecooktopisstill hot. Carefully,useasingleedgerazorblade
held with a potholderto scrape the melted materialor sugaryboiloverto a cooler
area of the cooktop. Useseveral layers of paper towelsto wipe up the spillover
being careful not to burn yourself. Whenthe element hascooled, usethe razor
bladetoscrapeoff theremainingsoilandcleanasyouwouldforheavyspills. (See
p. 39.)
Do notuse aluminumfoilor foil-typecontainersunder anycircumstances. Alumi-
numfoilwilldamagethecooktopifitmeltsontotheglass. Ifmetalmeltsoncooktop,
do not use, Call an authorized Jenn-AirService Contractor.
Do not usethe glass-ceramicoooktopas a cuttingboard.
pads), which will scratchthe cooktop.
Do NOT use chlorine bleach, ammonia, rust removers, oven cleaners, or other
cleanser not specificallyrecommendedfor use on glass-ceramic.
Testcastironwaresinceallare notflat. Alsobe cautionedagainstpossible"impact
damage"shouldthe heavycookpot be dropped on the glass-ceramicsurface.
Use Jenn-Air'sfiat bottomwok accessory(Model
AO142) for optimum results. The wok has a
nonstick finish, wood handles, cover, steaming
rack,rice paddles, cookingtips and recipes.