
Usethe ConvectRoast Padfor best results.
Preheatingthe ovenis not necessary.
Followpackage recommendationsforoven temperature,foil covering and use of
cookiesheets. Cooking timeswillbesimilar. Seechartbelowforsomeexceptions
and examples.
Centerfoods intheoven. Ifmorethanone fooditemisbeingcookedor iffoods are
being cookedon multiple racks, staggerfoods for properair circulation.
Mostfoods are cooked on rack position #30.
For multiple rack cooking,use racks#1, 30 and 4. However, pizzasshould be
placedon cookie sheetsand baked on rack position #20, 3 and4.
Here are a few examples of times and temperatures
* An "o" aftera rack numberimplies that the offset rack should beused.
** Conventionalbake uses the Bake Pad.
*** Thetimes givenare basedon specificbrands of mixesor recipestested. Actual
timeswill dependon the onesyou cook.
Note: Convectroastingtimeswillbesimilartotheconventionaltimesbecausetheoven
is not preheated. Thetime savingscomesfrom nothavingto preheatthe oven.