
RTK Base Station Setup
BA31779,00001CE -19-23MAY11-1/1
System Overview
The John Deere RTK Radio 450 system consists of a
local base station permanently mounted on a structure
that transmits high accuracy corrections to the vehicle’s
StarFire™ receiver using RTK Radio 450 and an optional
amplier (only available in USA and Canada). The
StarFire™ receiver on the RTK equipped vehicle must
have a direct line of sight with the base station in order to
receive the RTK signal. While the higher transmission
power and longer wavelength of RTK Radio 450 aids
in the transmission through trees and foliage, it will not
penetrate through earth in hilly terrains.
Performance of the RTK correction is related to the
operating distance from the base station. When operating
beyond 20 km (12 mi.), degraded accuracy will occur and
it may take longer to initially acquire the RTK signal.
IMPORTANT: The standard (869MHz, 900MHz) RTK
system and RTK Radio 450 systems are not
compatible. Vehicles with RTK Radio 450
must receive corrections from a RTK Radio
450 attached to the base. Likewise, vehicles
with standard (869MHz, 900MHz) radios
installed must receive there corrections from
a base with a standard (869MHz, 900MHz)
radio installed. Different radio models can
not communicate with each other since they
transmit on different frequencies.