
RTK Radio 450 Performance
DK01672,000014D -19-26JUL11-3/3
The result of the last performed test is shown on the Radio
Self Test main screen.
Number of Updates:
Indicates how many times the Radio Self Test was
Radio Distance:
Indicates the distance in meters between the selected
radio (vehicle) and the radio to which the selected
radio is directly linked (Base/Repeater). It is typically
accurate to within 30 meters for distances over one Km
(0.6 miles). This calculation is performed by the radios
independent of the GPS receivers.
Number of Disconnects:
Indicates how many times a disconnect occurred during
this test.
Radio Temperature:
Shows the radio temperature.
Antenna Reected Power:
A measurement of the transmitted power reected
back into the transceiver from mismatched antennas or
cables, or loose connections between the transceiver
and antenna.
Average Noise Level:
The average noise level indicates the average power of
background noise and interference at the transceiver.
Ideally, noise level value should be greater than 120
and the difference between the average signal level and
average noise level should be 26 dB or more. Noise
levels signicantly higher than this are in indication
of a high level of interference that may degrade the
performance of the link.
PC13867 —UN—13JUL11
Radio Self Test Main
Average Signal Level:
The average signal level indicates the average power of
the received signal for the attached radio. For a reliable
link, the average signal level should be between 35 and
106. The difference between the average signal level
and the average noise level should also be at least 26