Crankshaft Sensor (S ervice Code 21)
Start the engine and switch the diagnosis mode to Dealer
1 mode to know all the problem that the DFI system has at
the time of self-diagnosis. If the engine cannot be started,
the self-diagnosis system does not detect dynamic condi-
tion of the crankshaft sensor. In this case, turn off the igni-
tion switch and turn it on again to enter the Dealer 2 mode.
In this mode, the system tells all the troubles which the D FI
system had in both static and dynamic conditions.
Crankshaft Sensor Rem oval/Installation
See the Ignition System section in the Electrical System
Crankshaft Sensor Inspection
The crankshaft sensor has no power source, and when
the engine stops, t he crankshaft sensor generates no sig-
Crank the engine and measure the peak voltage of the
crankshaft sensor (see Electrical System chapter) in or-
der to check the sensor.
Check the wiring for continuity, using the following dia-
B. Crankshaft Sensor