Select the crust color you desire by pressing the Crust Color Button until the indicator
in the LCD Window points to your choice, The default setling is Medium. Keep
pressing the button until indicator is pointing to your desired setting.
Press the Start Button. Timer in display window will start [o count down the time
remaining on your selected program. To stop or cancel the program, press and hold
the Stop / Pause Button for about 2 to 3seconds. The red ligh! witl go out and the
display will read the last program number.
For recipes thai require the addition of extra ingredients after the Bread Maker has
begun ts programmed cycle five beeps will sound, repeating three times. This is the
signal to add additional items.
For removal of kneading blade, listen for six beeps, repeated three times, At this point
you may push the stop/pause button, remove pan and take out dough, then kneading
blade, return dough to pan, and replace in bread maker. Be sure to push the Start
button again atthis time,
At the end of the cycle the red light will blink, the unit witl emit 10 slow beeps, and [he
timer wil! have counted down to zeroes. The LCD Display indicates the Bread Maker is
in the Warm mode, The bread will be in kept warm for up to 60 minutes, The red ]ighl
on the unit continues blinking to show the unit is still On and active.
To remove bread, turn off the Switch (in back of unit) and unplug the Bread Maker.
Using hot pads or oven mitts, llft out the bread pan by its handle. The pan is very hot.
Turn the loaf out of the pan and onto a wire rack to cool, If necessary, use a nonstiek
spatula gently inserted along the sides of the pan to loosen bread. NOTE: Metal
utensils might scratch the nonstick coating on the bread pan,
If you have left the kneading blade in during the baking, it will mo_ likely remain in the
bread pan. Once pan is cooled, remove kneading blade from bread pan. Ifthe kneading
blade stays in the loaf o[ bread, simply take it out.
Leave the bread 10 cool for about 30 minutes, or it will not slice properly.
Clean the bread pan and kneader immediately after use, (See care and cleaning}.
NOTE:The Bread Maker will notoperate again until it has cooled down,
1. Fo low the Directions: The liquid is always the first ingredient. Dry ingredients fellow
and the yeast is added last. Make a small well in the center 01 the f our and place t le
yeast there. This is especially important when using the delay-bake funcbon to avoid
activating the yeast too soon.
2, Measure carefully: Use the appropriate measuring tools and measure carefully, The
measuring cup incIuded can be used for liquids, measured at eye level. Spoon dry
ingredients into a standard measuring cup and level off with the straight edge of a knife
or metal spatula. Use measuring spoons for liquid and dry ingredients. Level off dry
3, Keep Ingredients Fresh: Use fresh ingredients at room temperature. Use Bread Flour
in the USA and use All-Purpose Flour or Bread Flour in Canada. Use yeast that has
an expiration date of at toast 6 months in the future. Avoid using perishable ingredients
(such as milk, eggs and cheese) when using the delay-bake function.
4. The Perfect Dough: In very humid weather, bread may require a little more flour. Check
bread toward the end of the first rise. ]f it seems sticky, add 1 or 2 tabIespoons of flour
to _he second kneading cycle until lhe dough forms a smooth ball, If the bread seems
very dr,/or knocks in the kneading cycle, sprinkle room ternperature water into the pan,
1 teas,_oon at a time, until dough forms a smooth ball,
5. Look But Don't Open: The glass in the cover is there to monitor the process. Do not
open the lid during the baking process. In the initial mixing you may open the cover to
use a rubber spatula to blend in any ingredients that have sluck to lhe sides of the
bread pan or to add ingredients at the 5 "add ingredient" beeps repeated 3 times,
6. Nave Patience: Wait at least 30 minutes before slicing freshly baked bread; it will sti!l
be deliciously warm bul easier to slice. If you like a crisp crust, rernove the bread as
soon as the baking cycle is complete. To make another loaf of bread let the unit cool
7, Adding ingredients: All functions except Rapid Bake allow for the addition of ingredients,
such as dried fruits and nuts. Three series of 5 beeps sound just before kneading is
complete. This happens about 30 minutes into the program. This is when to add your
additional ingredients,
8, To save it for another time: To freeze freshly baked bread, cool completely on a wire
rack. Wrap securely in plastic wrap and then in foil, To serve, remove from foil and
defrost in microwave. For a freshly baked flavor, reheat in the oven.
9, Avoid Delay when Possible: The delay-bake function of the Bread Maker cannot be
used for Fast Bake. It is not recommended for Whole Grain, Quick Bread, making Jam
and anything else with perishable ingredients.
10, Test the Water Temperature: For most breads, use water that is 80" to 9O_F
(26.6 ° to 32.2_C), For Rapid Bake breads, use water that is 1 t0° to 120"F
(43.3 ° to 48.8_C).
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