
. Too Brown - select a lighter crust color
- Too Light - select a darker crust and do not open the unit during
the baking cycle
Too Coarse - make sure you add salt
Too Heavy - use less flour (1 tsp at a time)
Too Low- Use less flour or mare yeast or water that is not too hot,
or check the date on your yeast,
Too High - try less yeast {1/4 tsp. at a time)
Collapses in the Center- dough is toe wet or flour is not strong enough,
or amount is tea great for the unit.
Do not put bread pan in dishwasher. Do not immerse outside of bread |
pan in water, j
unit is unplugged from the power source. ]
Allow Bread Pan to cool slightly, then wash bread pan and kneading blade immediately
in hot sudsy water, rinse well and dry completely,
Do Not use abrasive scouring pads or metal implements, These could scratch the ncn-stlck
coating of the bread pan and kneading blade.
If kneading blade will not come off shaft in bread pan, fi!l pan partially with warm soapy
water and leave to soak for about 5 minutes, If kneader still cannot be removed after
10 minutes, hold the shaft from underneath the pan and twist back and forth gently
until the kneader is released,
Use a soft. damp cloth to clean the outside and inside surfaces of the Bread Maker if
necessary. Make sure the unit is cool to the toucll. The lid can be lifted off for cleaning.
Setting I or 2: 2 lb. Loaf 1,5 lb. Loaf 1,0 lb. Loaf
Water 1 _,'_cup + 1 tsp, 1 !_ cup + 3tsp. :!_ cup + _/_teas.
Oil 2 Tbsp. 1 + 1/'2 Tbsp. 1 Tbsp.
Salt 2 tsp, 1 + l/2 tsp. f tsp,
Sugar 3 Tbsp. 2 Tbsp. I + 1/2 Tbsp.
Dried Skimmed 2 Tbsp. 1 + 1/2 Tbsp. 1 Tbsp.
Milk Powder
White Bread Flour 4 !.'_*cups 31,4 cups 2 _Acups
AcLive Dry Yeast 2fsp, I _ tsp. 1 V._tsp
Place ingredients in eider listed in bread pen fitted with kneading blade, Place pan In
3eadmaker Seect# or 2setting, ChooseOrustcolorandloatsJze then press Start
button. If desired you may remove the kneading blade wben the unit beeps 6times.
repeated 3 times. When cycle is completed, remove bread and transfer to wlre rack to
cool. *For recipes Usirlg the Rapid White setting, always use rapid-rise yeasL
Whole Wheat Bread:
Setting 3 or 4: 2 Ib, Loaf 1,5 lb. Leaf 1.0 lb. Loaf
Whole Wheat / rapid
Water 1 t,_cup + 1 tsp. 1 _,..tcup + 3 tsp. _. cup + !&teas.
Butter/Margarine 3 Tbsp, 2Tbsp. 1 !,'_Tbsp.
Salt 2 tsp. 1 _,,:_tsp. 1 tsp.
Soft Brown Sugar 4 Tbsp, 3 Tbsp. 2 Tbsp.
Dried Skimmed 3 Tbsp. 2Tbsp. 1 !& Tbsp.
Milk Powder
Whole Wheat 4 V:)cups 3 !4cups 2 cups
Bread Flour
Active Dry 'feast 2 _/2tsp. 1 _,_[sp. 1 [sp.
Place irlgledients in older [isled irl bread pan fitted with kneading blade. Place pan _nbread
maker, Select #3 or 4 setting. Choose Crust co_o_ and loaf size, then press Start button. If
desired you may lemove the kneading blade when the unit beeps 6 times, repeated 3 times.
When cycle is completed, remove bread and barterer towlre rack to cool. *For recipes using
the Rapid Whole Wheat setting, atways use rapid-rise yeast.