1_Cab net
2 Ve$oa Ar
Dbeci o£ Louvers
3 Hsdzo,qta Air
ODect;or_Lo vet's
4 inlet Gdie
5 A)r £!ter
6 FOFx!Gri_e
7 Coat,el Pane
8, P@/_erCord
1@,Condo se
13, Brace
14. U;_per Gude
15, tecta _-s
t6 Remote Costre
Tore uoe_he sko e
e eC rl_.;
shock or ,qcry _opersons read the _T,po_ant
SAtieTY st'ue_oss aesop betoe operetn this
To begi_ e_era£_sg the e_t @®adtioset s_et
nstaHa_ior_ follow these sleds:
I Pug isthe e: cor_itiener To proven eec ca
hazards, do ot _:se an exter_sien co;d or a__
2 Set the exsaus/_yen to the CLOSE pos ioe,
8 Set the TIRs::' Cent@ to the coo esSseSg
4 So,_#e MODe cenlro e the h ghost COO_,, levis
5, Aqus _heto av,erster oemto£aS ear f!ow_
6 Ones _t_eroom @ cooed, adust the TEMP and
Mode Co ral otheseth_gye_fndmost
NOT8 : If I/'e a eo_sditiener s t _ed e_, wai 3
m nutes befo'e #sets i _9_Th: tows p_as r÷
inside the cs_v,preeso bssqueeze Faibre o wet 3
mrsutes befo'e rests!fig may cause i_elf c er_
ope aria
you move tee TBMP Cos_rel o a wa'msr tses
immediately ec to a soo_e seting theu_'i wl
shut oil Wet 3 mn{£es bdo_e esta8 9
The Venl Co ire aows _hear c n,,d!:e_er e
eitker eo@uat® nsSe sr (CLOSE} @-ex_@, s_
air Is 8he out€ de (OPEN) (F!G, 25}
, The CLOSE pet tton USedwhe_ me×imum
ceoirtg sd_sked t mayaso be sod fo ai!
red_cu atio¢_wthout _xs_ 9 v_he Ihe e_
cor_dtor_er ase in _e _AN _ost_on,
The OPEt pes t}an _emoves stele air rein the
room sad exhauss ! to the ou%de Fhesh s}_s
drawn r_e te seem _hreugh yo_ horses
erm8 ssr#s_esages
The OPeN or CIo,,OSBisositien ce_ be used 'with
-O o