
Mast÷r Protection Agreements
Congratu!a#o_ss on roaM%2 a small pu,'r,_ase,
Your ",ew Her:toe'@ pre@ucf S des:ned sad
mar_@ac£ured for yea_s e dependab e cpera_ on
B llikea! pod @s tmayequ_epueve_tve
manta u:OeOr e fromlmetetme
4/_a£o when hav_S9 a Master Srotee iea Ag aem÷nt
can save ysu money and aggravate®
@t<sqaSe a ,Cfasa," Protection Ag@emen _ow a td
preheat ,ycu;se_t _rem,_e_axpected hess,%,a_d
he Mane Protec orsAQreemes_ also t_es exend
the e c,tyeu_new product, ads '_,,ha£sr'@[uded
in the Ag cement:
i;_} Expe_ s®w[c@ by our I2,000 profess one
_! Unlmt£ed _ervlce as@ no c_arge fo; p_s_Ssand
abe_o a covered epais
[_ 'No4emOa g_a_a_tee- cap acema_t @ty®ur
covered p_'OdUC; fou or more product f i as
ec_curwhn tweL,e months
_] P_educt replaceme_ [fyou_ cow;, ed pre@_c:
Ct_mlbe i×eS
[{2! A_eual Rreveal:ive Mai_teHa_ee Check st your
_equest, r_oext_e charge
:b_ Fast help by phone p or_esu pc Is_ss
S_ar£ teckm can as p_oducts requ _'o r_ho_e
repair [Nss cesven ant repa _sohedul s9
/_] Pee_er s,a_#e p e_ec_o_ age ns: eiect_¢ea
amage ue (o Q_,_er _lucl:uaticss
[_ _e_tai _e _bu,_gemest F rep@ el your cove@d
p_educ takes o<:ger than p erased
O ce yo_ p;.¢chasethe Agreeme t, a npeph®ne
caii iS a/ha [ takes for you le scbed@e _ervice,
Ye_, oa;n cai a_tyt me day or _ight, or eehedu e a
sewoe apporx:mep onr e
Sea_shasever 12000 pr'efessor_ai_<_par
spe@aisls wee ha£e acceesteeve 45;m es
q_,alty pa£s and accesscdee, '[has th® k:nd o
p@eess crisis you san @oust os te bop p o/csqg
he ifeof your aw schase _o yea_s to come
Purchase your ,,_aete Proteotlon AQ ear, ant icday!
So_e imitafons and Jex_[us 0_8 app!y..
Fo_ prices and add iona_ i_1o_mation call
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For Sears p,'_ohssiona ins_altation of ho_e
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