Q.What is wrong when three potatoes bake thoroughly and the fourth one is still not cooked?
A. The fourth potato may be slightly heavier than the others and should be cooked 30 to 60 seconds longer.
Remember to allow space around each potato when baking. Also, for more even cooking, put potatoes
in a circle.
Q.Why do baked apples sometimes burst during cooking?
A. Tile peeling has not been removed from the top half of each apple to allow for expansion of the interior of
the apple during cooking. As in regular cooking methods, the interior of the apple expands during the
cooking process.
Q. How are boil-overs avoided?
A. When cooking foods that tend to boil over, use a larger utensil than usual for cooking. Ifyou open the
oven door or touch STOP, the food will stop boiling. (Remember to touch START again after closing the
door to restart the cooking cycle.)
Q. Why is a standing time recommended after microwave cooking is over?
A. Standing time allows foods to continue cooking evenly throughout for afew moments after the actual
microwave oven cooking cycle. The amount of standfng time depends upon the density of the food.
Q.Why is an additional time required for cooking food stored in refrigerator?
A. As in conventional cooking, the initial temperature of food affects total cooking time. More time is
needed to cook food just taken out of a refrigerator versus food at a room temperature.