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Reference — Camera 7-37
Two characters, an “E”
followed by a single digit
(for example “E2”),
appear on the camera
back LCD.
An error occurred on
the PCMCIA card or in
For the problems below, remove
and reinsert the PCMCIA card and
try again. If unsuccessful, do a
“sleep/awake” sequence: let the
camera back sleep (disconnect
the AC adapter from the camera
back, shut down the computer if
connected, and disconnect the
camera back from the computer),
reconnect and try again. If you
continue to have problems format
the PCMCIA card with the Format
button on the driver Camera
Control panel (this will erase all
images and sound files from the
card). If the problem persists,
contact Kodak; report the number
of the error condition.
E2 – failure of the PCMCIA card
to start.
E3 – failure when attempting to
read the PCMCIA card.
E4 – failure when attempting to
write to the PCMCIA card.
E5 – defective card, a non-ATA
card, or a card that does not
work. (Refer to the read-me on
the driver diskette for a list of
supported cards.)
E6 – unformatted PCMCIA card.
E7 – defective card, a non-ATA
card, or a card that does not
work. (Refer to the read-me on the
driver diskette for a list of
supported cards.)
Trouble Possible Cause Suggested Solution