. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10-2 Index
symbol (Sound files) 6-29, 8-38
- minus sign (Click-balance check-
box) 8-37
100 MHz Pentium processor 1-4
12-Bit Acquire A-2 to A-3
12-Bit Acquire (General prefer-
ences) 8-24 to 8-30
16-bit video display card 1-3
16-bits per color 8-24 to 8-30
24-bit video display card 1-3
24-bits color image 8-24 to 8-30
25 Red Filter (Infrared camera) F-2
25-pin terminator (Ordering) H-4
48-bits color image 8-24 to 8-30
68020 processor 1-2
8-bits per color 8-24 to 8-30
80486 processor 1-4
° rotation.
Rotate icons
AC battery charger/adapter, 3-3, 4-3, 4-4
to 4-14, 7-25 to 7-27
Cautions 7-26
Charge state 5-6
Glossary entry B-1
Ordering H-4
Range 7-27
Safety A-11
Use with computer 6-3
Warnings xiv, xv
Proximity to water xi
Accessing the camera 4-36 to 4-39
Accessories x
Accessory adapter cable 4-7
Ordering H-4
Button 3-6, 6-8, 6-9 to 6-10, 8-39
Driver image window 8-11
Illustrated 6-10
Location on driver 8-3
Used with Acquire As 8-13
Contact sheet 6-7, 6-9 to 6-10
Images 6-8, 8-39
Defined 6-8
Multiple images 6-9
Submenu, Adobe Photoshop 3-5
TWAIN 4-37
Acquire As menu 6-9, 8-13 to 8-16
Contact Sheet 6-7, 6-9, 8-39
Default 8-5
Illustrated 8-13
Location on driver 8-3
Photo 6-7
Use with Acquire button 8-39
Acquire Contact Sheet dialog 6-9, 8-15
to 8-16
Illustrated 6-9
Acquired Contact Sheet layout
(Preferences) 8-25 to 8-30
Acquired image file size
DCS 410 A-2
DCS 420 A-2
DCS 460 A-3
NC2000e A-3
Actions (Photoshop) 8-47 to 8-50
Commands not supported 8-50
Supported commands 8-49
Active termination 4-12, 4-26
Adaptec 1-5, 4-34
SlimSCSI 4-12, 4-26, 7-16
Adobe Photoshop.
Advanced SCSI Programming Inter-
face 1-5, 4-34
Button (Driver image window) 6-9,
Photoshop Select menu 8-4, 8-12
Select pulldown menu 6-9
Sound menu 6-29, 8-38
America Online (Download
software) C-2
Annotation window 6-11 to 6-13, 8-3
Character limit 6-12, 8-43
Driver image window 6-12
Illustrated 6-13
America Online (Download
Aperture 5-5, 7-2
Annotation area 8-43
Apple Macintosh computer.
Macintosh computer
Applications software (IBM PC) 1-5
Archive 3-6
Glossary entry B-1
Archive images 6-30 to 6-33
Defined 6-2
File Format 8-40 to 8-41
Aspect Ratio.
Fix Aspect Ratio
checkbox (Crop dialog box)
Advanced SCSI Programming
ATA interface A-5
PCMCIA card 1-6, 2-5
Attachments xi
Hazardous potential xi
Automatic film advance modes 5-4
B 6-19, 8-37, 8-46
Balance (Defined) B-1
Battery xiv, 7-25 to 7-27
Capacity A-6
Charge remaining (LCD) 5-6
Charging 4-4 to 4-14, 5-3, 7-25
Inhibited by high tempera-
ture 7-25
Icon (LCD) 4-6
Indicator (LCD) 7-6
None in Nikon N90s 7-6
Testing A-6
Warnings xiv
BIN file 4-41, 8-19
Glossary entry B-1
Blue 6-19, 8-24, 8-37, 8-46
Bulb setting 5-17
Use for cleaning imager 7-42
Burst A-4
Defined B-1
Cable accessory 7-18
Cables xi, xi to xii, 1-3
Ordering H-4
Calibration (CAL) files 3-3, 4-34 to
4-35, 6-4, 7-54
Missing 7-54