Camera Images
Single Image Display Mode
The thumbnail for the current image appears with the Status bar at the bottom.
Zoom Display Mode
In Zoom Display mode, the thumbnail for the current image appears with a Region of
Interest box and luminometer crosshairs. The Region of Interest box includes the area of
the image that appears when you zoom in.
If an image has previously been viewed in Zoom Display mode, the thumbnail appears at
the last-used zoom level.
Enabling or Disabling the Region of Interest Box
You can pan and zoom when the Region of Interest box is enabled. When it is disabled
you can navigate to a different image or change the display mode. When the Region of
Interest box is enabled, it has a higher contrast, giving it a bold appearance; when
disabled, it has a lower contrast, giving it a more transparent appearance.
✔ Press the OK button to enable the Region of Interest box.
✔ Press the Cancel button to disable the Region of Interest box.