✔ With the Region of Interest box enabled, press the OK button.
The first actuation zooms to 1:3 (one pixel displayed for every three), the second to
1:1, and the third returns to the un-zoomed 1:10.
☛ When zoomed in to 1:1, the crosshairs appear but the Region of Interest box does
not. You can still pan, however.
✔ With the Region of Interest box enabled, press the top, bottom, left, or right of the
Four-way switch. This moves the Region of Interest box.
If the edge of the thumbnail is reached, the image moves in the opposite direction.
Luminometer Crosshairs
The crosshairs, which appear in Zoom Display mode, indicate the level of luminance
channel saturation of pixels below the center of the crosshairs. This level is indicated on
the Status bar in stops (-3 to 3.25) and percentages (2 to 180%).
☛ The crosshairs move with the Region of Interest box when you pan.