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Accessing Camera Images 6-11
Rotate, Rename, and Annotate Images
1. Suppose that one or more images is not displayed in the proper
A. Select the image or images not shown in the proper rotation.
B. Click the desired rotation icon; the image or images rotate 90
degrees in the chosen direction for each click on the icon.
2. Suppose that the images on the PCMCIA card are in groups from
several different photo assignments, and that you want to name them
appropriately. (By default the driver assigns names, but they may not
be optimum for your purposes.)
NOTE: The new names are only retained for images that you are about to
acquire or archive in this work session, or for images you have previously
archived. (Acquiring and archiving are both explained later in this chapter.)
The new names are not written to the PCMCIA card.
A. Select the image or images that you want to rename; if you select
multiple images they are renamed as a group.
B. Click the rename icon.
C. Change the values in the RENAME dialog box that appears. Type a
name into the N
AME area; it becomes the first portion of the image
name for all selected images. If more than one image is selected,
the values in the S
EQUENCE NUMBER area are appended to the end of
the name. Change the S
EQUENCE NUMBER values as desired. An
XAMPLE appears in the box illustrating how images will be re-