. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Accessing Camera Images 6-31
4. Later, to work with these archive files, enter the driver, and use
HOOSE FOLDER from the SOURCE menu (Macintosh), or click the icon
near the S
OURCE drop-down menu (TWAIN-PC), to locate and open
the folder with the archive images.
IMPORTANT: Use only the driver to open image archive files. Do
an archive file directly into Photoshop or other image software and then
resave the data with the same filename. Image archive files you create with
the C
OPY TO button contain several sections — one section with a TIFF
version of the thumbnail, and then another section with the image data.
When you open the file with Photoshop, only the TIFF thumbnail is opened,
and if saved, only the thumbnail is saved — not the image data. For this
reason, you should only open these files from within the driver image
window using the C
HOOSE FOLDER choice of the SOURCE menu as described in
this step; this will ensure that you obtain the image data.
IMPORTANT: If your camera model is of the type that requires a calibration
file (DCS 460 or EOS•DCS 1), refer to the important information on calibra-
tion (CAL) files for archived images in the section “Calibration (CAL) Files” at
the end of Chapter 7.