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7-32 Reference — Camera
On/Off State of the KODAK Camera
There is no separate on/off switch for the KODAK camera back. Instead,
when you turn on and then wake the Nikon camera, the camera back
turns on. As described in this section, it is possible for the camera back to
be on when the camera is off.
The on/off state of the KODAK camera back depends on the mode of
camera operation as follows.
If the camera is operated without the AC battery charger/adapter and
without being connected to a computer, the camera back is “on”
while the Nikon N90s is awake, and sleeps when the camera sleeps. If
the camera is saving an image to a PCMCIA card when the Nikon
Camera sleeps, the camera back remains on until the image is saved.
The camera back is continuously “on” when the camera is operated
while connected to the AC battery charger/adapter; once the batteries
are fully charged the adapter switches automatically to a slow trickle
charge. If the camera is saving an image to a PCMCIA card when the
adapter is disconnected, the camera back remains on until the image
is saved.
The camera back is also continuously “on” when the camera is
operated while connected to a computer that is on. If the camera is
saving an image to a PCMCIA card when the computer is turned off,
the camera back remains on until the image is saved.