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Reference — Kodak Driver Software 8-13
The ACQUIRE AS menu choices work in concert with the ACQUIRE button,
and determine whether selected images are acquired as pages of contact
sheets (choose C
ONTACT SHEET), or whether selected images are each
acquired into a separate Photoshop window (choose P
HOTO). These
choices affect only acquired images and do not affect the display of the
driver image window. Since P
HOTO is the simpler choice, it is described
first below.
If PHOTO is chosen, the driver creates a new Photoshop document for each
selected thumbnail; each document contains an image at the resolution
specified in the preferences.
If CONTACT SHEET is chosen, the driver generates one or more Photoshop
windows, each displaying thumbnails. The thumbnails on the contact
sheet document consist of the set of thumbnails selected while in C
SHEET view in the driver image window.
The following general characteristics apply to all contact sheets.
Each thumbnail is centered inside a square “slide surround.”
The rotation of each image matches its display in the driver image
As many thumbnails as possible are placed on a sheet; the size of
each thumbnail is determined by the preferences described below.