Binocular observation and photo tube, viewing
angle 30°, with provision for optical overlay for
documentation of transparencies (slide overlay
device) or opaque macro objects (macro de-
3 clickstop positions of the beamsplitter in the
Switch rod Observation Photo
VIS 100 % 0 %
50/50 150 % 50 %
PHOTO 110 % 100 %
Possible applications of the condensers for the Leica DMIRB
Illumination Condenser Diaphragms/ Condenser Diaphragms/ Condenser Diaphragms/
technique 0.30 S70 objective accessories 0.53 S23 objective accessories 0.90 S1 objective accessories
Brightfield 2.5x – 40x – 5x – 100x – 10x – 100x● –
Phaco 5x PH 0 S70 5x PH 0 S23 – –
10x, 20x PH 1 S70 10x, 20x PH 1 S23 10x, 20x PH 1 S1
40x PH 2 S70 40x, 63x PH 2 S23 40x, 63x PH 2 S2
– – 100x PH 3 S23 100x PH 3 S3
Interference ICT ICT ICT
contrast 10x – 40x device 10x – 100x device 10x – 100x
Pol contrast 2.5x – 40x Pol device 5x – 100x Pol device 10x – 100x● Pol device
Darkfield – – 5x –␣ n. a. 0.40 3 S23
10x –␣ n. a. 0.75 D S1
100 x for maximum resolution also possible with condenser top P 1.40 OIL S1
Light ring 3 S23 serves as DF diaphragm
For maximum resolution there is also a condenser top P 1.40 OIL S1
Condenser performance data
Condenser 0.30 S70
Without height adjustment, as the fixed focus
concept of this condenser guarantees optimal
matching of light and phase rings for liquid
levels up to 60 mm. FWD (free working distance)
70 mm. For brightfield (HF), phase contrast (PH,
Phaco), transmitted light interference contrast
(ICT) and polarisation contrast up to 40x ob-
jective magnification in each case.
Condensers 0.53 S23 and 0.90 S1
The condenser has a slide changer, height
adjustment and centration facility for setting
Koehler illumination. The holder holds the base
part of the condenser, which can be fitted with
condenser tops 0.53 S23, 0.90 S1 or P 1.40 OIL S1
to suit the particular application.