Learning other filters:
Select the next filter cube position by pressing
one of the “FLUO” keys on the control panel of
the FLUO module. Insert the filter cube and
select the corresponding name in the display.
Repeat the procedure for any other filters.
Unoccupied positions are given the code “-”.
To conclude the Learn mode for the fluores-
cence module, press the “CHANGE” key. “EXIT”
then flashes in the display; confirm with
Now leave the learn mode by pressing “EXIT”
and confirming with “LEARN”.
Concluding the installation
Installation is now complete. You are back in the
normal operation mode.
Before you start work, you should set the focus
threshold with one of your specimen slides.
(with the key, → Fig. 53b).
Installing the fluorescence filter cube
Select the “FLUO” option in the Learn mode by
pressing the “CHANGE” key. Confirm by press-
ing the “LEARN” key.
Learn mode: Fluorescence
Pull out the filter cube drawer on the left side of
the microscope stand and put the filter cube you
want to use in the holder of the fluorescence
turret plate in the light path. The filter cube must
click noticeably in position.
Now select the corresponding filter cube name
in the LC display by rotating the focus hand-
Fi l terblock 1:
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