
Advanced Features
Add Manual Pol-
Change to the input screen for a "Manual" policy. See the
following section for details.
When the new policy is saved, it will appear in the bottom
row of the Policy Table.
VPN Status
View details of each current VPN Tunnel (connection) in a
sub-window. You also have the option of viewing the VPN
VPN Auto Policy Screen
This screen is displayed when you click the Add Auto Policy button on the VPN Poli-
cies screen, or when you edit an existing Auto Policy. It allows you to define or edit an
"Auto" VPN policy.
An "Auto" VPN policy uses the IKE (Internet Key Protocol) to exchange and negotiate
parameters for the IPsec SA (Security Association). Because of this negotiation, it is
not necessary for all settings on this VPN Gateway to match the settings on the re-
mote VPN endpoint. Where settings must match, this is indicated.