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Cold Feed and Gas Purge are combined
into a two position momentary toggle
To activate Cold Feeding, hold the switch
in the UP position. The wire drive will feed
electrode but neither the power source nor
the gas solenoid will be energized.
Keeping the electrode and gun electrically
“cold”. Adjust the speed of cold feeding by
rotating the WFS knob.
• This feature is useful for threading the electrode
through the gun.
• While the “cold feed” circuit is activated, adjust the wire
feed speed using the WFS knob.
Hold with toggle switch in the DOWN position to activate
Gas Purge
and let the shielding gas flow. The gas sole-
noid valve will energize but neither the power source out-
put nor the drive motor will be turned on. The Gas Purge
switch is useful for setting the proper flow rate of shield-
ing gas. Flow meters should always be adjusted while the
shielding gas is flowing.
The 2-Step / 4-Step switch has two set
positions. Place the switch in the UP posi-
tion for 2-step Trigger Operation and in the
down position for 4-step Trigger
2 Step Trigger
2 Step trigger operation is the most com
mon. When the gun trigger is pulled, the
welding system (power source and wire
feeder) cycles through the arc starting
sequence and into the main welding para-
meters. The welding system will continue
to weld as long as the gun trigger is activated. Once the
trigger is released, the welding system cycles through the
arc ending steps.
4-Step Trigger Operation
When the switch is in the 4-Step position the Power Feed
10M Single Wire Feeder provides trigger interlock capa-
bility (the operator can release the trigger and the system
will continue to weld) and it also allows the operator to
control the amount of time spent in the start and crater
weld modes.
See Sequence of Operation for more information on the
overall interaction trigger switch with the weld sequence.
The 2-Step / 4-Step trigger has no effect when welding
with SMA
W or CAG procedures.
P.100 View Diagnostics
Diagnostics are only used for servicing the
Power Wave system.
Yes = Shows P.101 through P.500 in the
SETUP menu.
No = Only P.0 through P.100 are shown in the
SETUP menu.
P.101 Event Logs
Press the right MSP4 button to view the Event
Logs. Rotate the encoder to select the object
to read and then press the right MSP4 button.
Various software information will appear about
key system events. Press the left MSP4 but-
ton to exit.
P.102 Fatal Logs
Press the right MSP4 button to view the Fatal
Logs. Rotate the encoder to select the module
to read and then press the right MSP4 button.
Various software information will appear about
critical module actions. Press the left MSP4
button to exit.
P.103 Software Version
Press the right MSP4 button to view the soft-
ware loaded into each module (p.c. board).
Rotate the encoder to select the module to
read and then press the right MSP4 button.
The panel will display the main software ver-
sion loaded into the module. Press the left
MSP4 button to exit.
P.104 Hardware Version
Press the right MSP4 button to view the hard-
ware version of each module (p.c. board).
Rotate the encoder to select the module to
read and then press the right MSP4 button.
The panel will display the main hardware ver-
sion loaded into the module. Press the left
MSP4 button to exit.
P.105 Welding Software
Press the right MSP4 button to view the weld-
ing software version inside the power source.
Press the left MSP4 button to exit.
P.106 Ethernet IP Address
Press the right MSP4 button to view the IP
address of the Ethernet board. If no Ethernet
Board is installed, the display shows "No Enet
Found." Press the left MSP4 button to exit.
P.107 Power Source
Press the right MSP4 button to view the type of
power source connected to the control box.
Press the left MSP4 button to exit.