The Power Wave 455M/MSTT power source is
designed to be a part of a modular, multi-process weld-
ing system. It is a high performance, digitally con-
trolled inverter welding power source capable of com-
plex, high-speed waveform control. Depending upon
configuration, it can support constant current, constant
voltage, surface tension transfer and pulse welding
modes. Each machine is factory preprogrammed with
multiple welding procedures. Typically these proce-
dures include GMAW, GMAW-P, FCAW, GTAW and
STT (Surface Tension Transfer) for a variety of materi-
als such as mild steel, stainless steel, cored wires and
aluminum. The STT process supports mild steel and
stainless steel welding. PW455M/STT only.
The Power Wave 455M/STT has an output rating of
either 450 amps at 38 volts or 400 amps at 36 volts.
The two output ratings are dependent upon input volt-
age and frequency. Both have a duty cycle of 100%.
The STT process is rated at currents up to 325 amps
at a 100% duty cycle.
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