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8.1.2 Program example when GX Configurator-CT is not used
(1) List of devices
Device Function
D0 to D1 Present value
D2 to D3 Latch count value
D4 to D5 Sampling count value
D6 to D7 Periodic pulse count previous value
D8 to D9 Periodic pulse count present value
D10 Overflow status storage
D20 to D35 Interrupt enabled flag storage for the IMASK instruction
X10 Count operation start signal
X11 Current value read signal
X12 Coincidence output data setting signal
X13 Preset command signal
X14 Count operation stop signal
X15 Coincidence LED clear signal
X16 Counter function execution start signal
X17 Counter function execution stop signal
X18 Latch count data read signal
X19 Latch execution signal
X1A Sampling count data read signal
X1B Sampling count start signal
X1C Periodic pulse count data read signal
X1D Periodic pulse count start signal
QX10 (X10 to X1F)
Y20 Coincidence confirmation LED signal
Y21 Overflow occurrence confirmation LED signal
QY10 (Y20 to Y2F)
X0 Module ready
X2 Counter value coincidence (point No. 1)
Y0 Coincidence signal No. 1 reset command
Y1 Preset command
Y2 Coincidence signal enable command
Y4 Count enable command
Y6 Counter function selection start command
QD62(E/D) (X/Y0 to X/YF)
M10 Initial setting complete signal