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8.2.1 Program example when GX Configurator-CT is used
(1) List of devices
Device Function
W0 to W1 Device that current value flag is written by auto refresh
W2 to W3 Device that latch count value flag is written by auto refresh
W4 to W5 Device that sampling count value is written by auto refresh
W6 to W7 Device that periodic pulse count previous value is written by auto refresh
W8 to W9 Device that periodic pulse count present value is written by auto refresh
W10 Overflow status storage
D20 to D35 Interrupt enabled flag storage for the IMASK instruction
X20 Count operation start signal
X21 Current value read signal
X22 Coincidence output data setting signal
X23 Preset command signal
X24 Count operation stop signal
X25 Coincidence LED clear signal
X26 Counter function execution start signal
X27 Counter function execution stop signal
X28 Latch count data read signal
X29 Latch execution signal
X2A Sampling count data read signal
X2B Sampling count start signal
X2C Periodic pulse count data read signal
X2D Periodic pulse count start signal
QX10 (X20 to X2F)
Y30 Coincidence confirmation LED signal
Y31 Overflow occurrence confirmation LED signal
QY10 (Y30 to Y3F)
X1020 Module ready
X1022 Counter value coincidence (point No. 1)
Y1020 Coincidence signal No. 1 reset command
Y1021 Preset command
Y1022 Coincidence signal enable command
Y1024 Count enable command
Y1026 Counter function selection start command
QD62 (X/Y1020 to X/Y102F)
T1 to T5 Interlock for own station and other stations