Index - 3
BCD 4-digit multiplication and division operations (B*,
B/) ........................................................................ 6-42
BCD 4-digit square roots (BSQR)...................... 7-306
BCD 8-digit addition and subtraction operations (DB+,
DB-) ..................................................................... 6-38
BCD 8-digit multiplication and division operations
(DB*, DB/)............................................................ 6-44
BCD 8-digit square roots (BDSQR) ................... 7-306
BCD conversion
Conversion from BIN data to 4-digit BCD (BCD)
......................................................................... 6-73
Conversion from BIN data to 8-digit BCD (DBCD)
......................................................................... 6-73
BCD type COS operations (BCOS) ................... 7-311
BCD type COS
operations (BACOS) .............. 7-317
BCD type SIN operation (BSIN) ........................ 7-309
BCD type SIN
operation (BASIN) ................... 7-315
BCD type TAN operation (BTAN) ...................... 7-313
BCD type TAN
operations (BATAN) ............... 7-319
BCDDA (Conversion from BCD 4-digit to decimal
ASCII) ................................................................ 7-189
BCOS (BCD type COS operations) ................... 7-311
BDSQR (BCD 8-digit square roots) ................... 7-306
BIN (BCD 4-digit data to BIN data)...................... 6-75
BIN 16-bit addition and subtraction operations (+, -)
............................................................................. 6-22
BIN 16-bit data comparisons (=, <>, >, <=, <, >=)
............................................................................... 6-2
BIN 16-bit data sort operations (SORT) .............. 7-95
BIN 16-bit multiplication and division operations (*, /)
............................................................................. 6-30
BIN 16-bit to BIN 32-bit (DBL) ............................. 6-88
BIN 16-bit to Gray code (GRY)............................ 6-90
BIN 32-bit addition and subtraction operations (D+, D-)
............................................................................. 6-26
BIN 32-bit block data comparisons (DBKCMP ,
DBKCMP P) .................................................... 6-18
BIN 32-bit data block addition and subtraction
operations (DBK+(P),DBK-(P))............................ 6-62
BIN 32-bit data comparisons (D=, D<>, D>, D<=, D<,
D>=)....................................................................... 6-4
BIN 32-bit data sort operations (DSORT)............ 7-95
BIN 32-bit data to BIN 16-bit data (WORD)......... 6-89
BIN 32-bit data to Gray code (DGRY) ................. 6-90
BIN 32-bit multiplication and division operations (D*,
D/)........................................................................ 6-32
BIN block data comparisons (BKCMP ) ... 6-15,6-18
BINDA (Conversion from BIN 16-bit data to decimal
ASCII) ................................................................ 7-183
BINHA (Conversion from BIN 16-bit data to
hexadecimal ASCII)........................................... 7-186
Bit data .................................................................. 3-3
Bit device output reverse (FF) ............................. 5-40
Bit device shifts (SET) ......................................... 5-44
Bit processing instructions................................... 2-34
Bit reset for word devices (BRST) ....................... 7-59
Bit set for word devices (BSET)........................... 7-59
Bit tests (TEST/DTEST) ...................................... 7-61
BK- (Block subtraction)................................ 6-59,6-62
BK+ (Block addition) .................................... 6-59,6-62
BKAND (Block logical products) ............................ 7-9
BKBCD (Conversion from block BIN 16-bit data to
BCD 4-digit data) ................................................. 6-98
BKBIN (Conversion from block BCD 4-digit data to
block BIN 16-bit data) ........................................ 6-100
BKCMP (BIN block data comparisons).... 6-15,6-18
BKOR (Block logical sum operations).................. 7-17
BKRST (Batch reset of bit devices) ..................... 7-64
BKXNR (Block exclusive NOR operations).......... 7-33
BKXOR (Block exclusive OR operations) ............ 7-25
Block 16-bit exchanges (BXCH) ........................ 6-126
Block 16-bit transfers (BMOV) ........................... 6-117
Block addition (BK+) .................................... 6-59,6-62
Block exclusive NOR operations (BKXNR).......... 7-33
Block exclusive OR operations (BKXOR) ............ 7-25
Block logical products (BKAND) ............................ 7-9
Block logical sum operations (BKOR).................. 7-17
Block subtraction (BK-) ................................ 6-59,6-62
BMOV (Block 16-bit data transfers) ................... 6-117
BREAK (Forced end of FOR to NEXT instruction loop)
........................................................................... 7-108
BRST (Bit reset for word devices) ....................... 7-59
BSET (Bit set for word devices)........................... 7-59
BSFL (1-bit shift to left of n-bit data) ............ 7-49,7-51
BSFR (1-bit shift to right of n-bit data) ......... 7-49,7-51
BSIN (BCD type SIN operation)......................... 7-309
BSQR (BCD 4-digit square roots)...................... 7-306
BTAN (BCD type TAN operation) ...................... 7-313
BTOW (Data linking in byte units)........................ 7-85
Buffer memory access instructions...................... 2-41
BXCH (Block 16-bit data exchanges) ................ 6-126
Calculation of averages for 16-bit or 32-bit data
(MEAN(P),DMEAN(P)) ...................................... 7-103
Calculation of totals for 16-bit data (WSUM) ....... 7-99
Calculation of totals for 32-bit data (DWSUM)
................................................................. 7-101,7-103
CALL (Subroutine program calls) ...................... 7-110
Cautions on programming ................................... 3-27
Changing check format of CHK instruction (CHKCIR,
CHKEND) .......................................................... 7-179
Character string data ........................................... 3-11
Character string data comparisons...................... 6-11
Character string length detection (LEN) ............ 7-204
Character string processing instructions.............. 2-43
Character string search (INSTR) ...7-239,7-241,7-243
Character string transfers ($MOV)..................... 6-112
CHKCIR (Changing check format of CHK instruction)
........................................................................... 7-179
CHKEND (Changing check format of CHK instruction)
........................................................................... 7-179
CHKST, CHK (Special format failure checks).... 7-175
CJ (Pointer branch instruction) .......................... 6-129
Clock comparison (TM=,TM,TM>,TM=)............. 7-361
Clock data addition operation (DATE+) ............. 7-348
Clock data subtraction operation (DATE-) ......... 7-350
Clock instructions................................................. 2-52