7.5.5 7-segment decode (SEG(P)) ...................................................................................... 7 - 75
7.5.6 4-bit dissociation of 16-bit data (DIS(P))..................................................................... 7 - 77
7.5.7 4-bit linking of 16-bit data (UNI(P)) ............................................................................. 7 - 79
7.5.8 Dissociation or linking of random data (NDIS(P),NUNI(P)) ........................................ 7 - 81
7.5.9 Data dissociation and linking in byte units (WTOB(P),BTOW(P)) .............................. 7 - 85
7.5.10 Maximum value search for 16- and 32-bit data (MAX(P),DMAX(P)) .......................... 7 - 89
7.5.11 Minimum value search for 16- and 32-bit data (MIN(P),DMIN(P)) ............................. 7 - 92
7.5.12 BIN 16 and 32 bits data sort operations (SORT,DSORT) .......................................... 7 - 95
7.5.13 Calculation of totals for 16-bit data (WSUM(P)) ......................................................... 7 - 99
7.5.14 Calculation of totals for 32-bit data (DWSUM(P))..................................................... 7 - 101
7.5.15 Calculation of averages for 16-bit or 32-bit data (MEAN(P),DMEAN(P)) ................. 7 - 103
7.6 Structure creation instructions 7 - 105
7.6.1 FOR to NEXT instruction loop (FOR,NEXT)............................................................. 7 - 105
7.6.2 Forced end of FOR to NEXT instruction loop (BREAK(P))....................................... 7 - 108
7.6.3 Subroutine program calls (CALL(P)) ........................................................................ 7 - 110
7.6.4 Return from subroutine programs (RET) .................................................................. 7 - 115
7.6.5 Subroutine program output OFF calls (FCALL(P)) ................................................... 7 - 116
7.6.6 Subroutine calls between program files (ECALL(P)) ................................................ 7 - 120
7.6.7 Subroutine output OFF calls between program files (EFCALL(P))........................... 7 - 125
7.6.8 Subroutine program call (XCALL)............................................................................. 7 - 129
7.6.9 Refresh instruction (COM)........................................................................................ 7 - 134
7.6.10 Select Refresh Instruction (COM)............................................................................. 7 - 137
7.6.11 Select Refresh Instruction (CCOM) .......................................................................... 7 - 141
7.6.12 Index modification of entire ladder (IX,IXEND)......................................................... 7 - 144
7.6.13 Designation of modification values in index modification of entire ladders
(IXDEV,IXSET)................................................................................................. 7 - 148
7.7 Data Table Operation Instructions 7 - 151
7.7.1 Writing data to the data table (FIFW(P))................................................................... 7 - 151
7.7.2 Reading oldest data from tables (FIFR(P))............................................................... 7 - 153
7.7.3 Reading newest data from data tables (FPOP(P)) ................................................... 7 - 155
7.7.4 Deleting and inserting data from and in data tables (FDEL(P),FINS(P)).................. 7 - 157
7.8 Buffer memory access instruction 7 - 160
7.8.1 Reading 1-/2-word data from the intelligent function module
(FROM(P),DFRO(P))........................................................................................ 7 - 160
7.8.2 Writing 1-/2-word data to intelligent function module (TO(P),DTO(P)) ..................... 7 - 163
7.9 Display instructions 7 - 166
7.9.1 Print ASCII code instruction (PR) ............................................................................. 7 - 166
7.9.2 Print comment instruction (PRC) .............................................................................. 7 - 169
7.9.3 Error display and annunciator reset instruction (LEDR) ........................................... 7 - 172
7.10 Debugging and failure diagnosis instructions 7 - 175
7.10.1 Special format failure checks (CHKST,CHK) ........................................................... 7 - 175
7.10.2 Changing check format of CHK instruction (CHKCIR,CHKEND) ............................. 7 - 179
7.11 Character string processing instructions 7 - 183
7.11.1 Conversion from BIN 16-bit or 32-bit to decimal ASCII (BINDA(P),DBINDA(P))...... 7 - 183
7.11.2 Conversion from BIN 16-bit or 32-bit data to hexadecimal ASCII
(BINHA(P),DBINHA(P)).................................................................................... 7 - 186