
Outdoor Sensor Function The user can pro-
gram the desired supply temperature based on
the heat transmitter (Baseboard, Radiant Floor,
Air Handler) that will be used in the installation.
Once the outdoor sensor (Light Green Wires) is
connected to the control board, the water tem-
perature of the boiler will adjust to run the boil-
er more efficiently and provide greater comfort
to the living space.
Connection Specification – Wire 22 A
maximum to 100 feet or 18 AWG up to
150 feet. Length of wire run cannot
exceed 150 feet.
Outdoor Sensor is connected in the junction
box on the Munchkin Boiler. Route wires from
the Munchkin Boiler terminal strip to your out-
door sensor, which will allow the user to change
the temperature going to the Central Heating
loop automatically. Place the outdoor sensor
preferably to the north or northwest or to the
side which will be affected by changing weather
conditions outside. NOTE: Do not locate the
sensor in the direct sunlight.
Indirect Sensor F
unction: The Maximum
run time on priority function for the Super Stor
Ultra Indirect Fired Water Heater is from 1-60
minutes. The water temperature can only be
adjusted when using a sensor (not a mechanical
control). Temperature adjustments are from 95
to 185 degrees, plus a differential 1-18 degrees
(Note: It is recommend that you do not exceed
5 minutes on the DHW pump post purge cycle
to avoid cooling down your DHW tank).
Indirect Sensor
is connected to the main
control on the Munchkin Boiler. Route wires
from the terminal strip to the sensor or the
mechanical control Honeywell Part # L4080b-
1395 (Not included in Vision I Package) into the
control well located in the front of the water
heater. This will allow the installer to control the
temperature of the indirect from the Munchkin
Boiler and give the water heater priority over the
Central Heating Circuit. Once the Water Heater is
satisfied, the boiler will then switch back to the
Central Heating Circuit only if there is a call for
heat, otherwise the Munchkin Boiler will then
shut down.
Indirect Circulator (P2) P
function: The indirect water heater circulator
program function will automatically start when
the water heater sensor reads a call for heat, the
installer can also program the post purge
function on the circulator. The Post purge
circulator function ranges from 1-30 minutes.
Indirect Circulator (P2)
is connected to the
terminal strip on the Munchkin Boiler. Run the
wire to the Super Stor Ultra Indirect circulating
pump. The purple wire will be your neutral lead
and the pink wire will be your hot. This will sup-
ply 120 volts to the water heater circulator
ault Code Alarm Output is connected to
the main controller on the Munchkin Boiler.
Route wire from the Munchkin Boiler controller
to an external relay or an audible alarm. The red
wire will be your hot lead supplying 120 volts.
The neutral connection will be connected to the
neutral on the incoming power to the Munchkin
Connection Specification – Wire 18 A
maximum. Length of wire run cannot
xceed 100 feet.
The wire to outdoor sensor must not be laid
closer than 6' to line voltage wiring (120/240 V)
and must never be in the same conduit.
Do not tie neutrals or hot wire leads to any
other wires, go directly from the
Munchkin Boiler controller to the circulator.