
the pass code is correct, you will need to press
and hold the {S3/Program} for 1 second to confirm.
If the pass code is entered incorrectly, the con-
troller program function will be cancelled and the
control returns to normal operation. If the code is
entered correctly, the control will switch off the
gas valve and purge fan while showing a solid
| in the display. The display will than show a
|1| alternating to |de|. This first function verifies that
the control will address the requirements of the
Superstor Indirect Fired Water Heater.
Next you will have to press the {S/3} key to move
through each function. To increase or decrease
a value, you will need to press either the {S/1
key or {S/2+} key to change the default values. If
there is no key action for 1 minute, the display
returns to normal operation. Changes are effec-
tive immediately but not directly stored until the
{S/4} key is pressed down for 3 seconds then the
new values are stored. Listed below are the vari-
ety of functions the installer can program into
the Vision I System.
NOTE: See Chart 13-1 in Part 13 to set outdoor
reset curve.
Default Function
Function Value Description
1deNot Applicable
2 149ºF Not Applicable
3 160ºF Maximum Domestic Delivery
Water Temperature Setpoint the
Installer will program for
SuperStor Indirect Fired Water
Heater (Note: Does not apply if
used with Mechanical Control)
Range: 95ºF to 160ºF
4 36ºF Not Applicable
5 7ºF Allows the installer to change the
differential in the Indirect Fired
Water Heater (Does not apply if
used with a Mechanical Control)
Range: 1ºF to 18ºF
Default Function
Function Value Description
6 0 Min. Allows the installer to change the
Indirect Circulator Post Purge
Time once the sensor is satisfied
(Note: it is recommend that
Circulator Post Purge Time be set
no greater than 5 minutes).
Range: 0 to 60 minutes
7 68ºF Outdoor temperature that you
wish the central heating should be
disabled—(warm weather shut-
off) Range: 41ºF to 122ºF
*8 5ºF Allows the installer to change the
Minimum Outside Design
Temperature. Range: –49ºF to
32ºF (See Chart 13-1 to set out-
door reset curve)
*9 180ºF Allows the installer to change the
Design Supply Water
Temperature from the Munchkin
based on the Minimum Outside
Design Temperature Range: 77ºF
to 185ºF
*10 68ºF Allows the installer to change the
Maximum Outside Design
Temperature for Central Heating.
Range: 95ºF to 32ºF
*11 95ºF Allows the installer to change the
Design Supply Water
Temperature from the Munchkin
based on the Maximum Outside
Design Temperature. Range:
32ºF to 180ºF
12 68º F Allows the installer to set the low-
est temperature on the Munchkin
for Central Heating. Range: 32ºF
to 180ºF
13 0 Min. Allows the installer to change the
Central Heating Circulator Post
Purge Time once the thermostat is
satisfied. Range 0 to 10 minutes.
The Boiler cannot be programmed while
there is a call for heat.