Index Page 265
ABA (Address Book archive file) 39
Accented characters
Graffiti writing 35
onscreen keyboard 38
Add-on applications 46–51
Address Book
*If Found Call* entry 113
adding custom fields 116
archive files (.aba) 39
business card for beaming 167
categorizing records 83
conduit for synchronizing 178
creating records 73, 111–113
deleting records 75
dialing 115
displaying category 116
displaying data in the Address
list 114
finding records 86–87
fonts 95
menus 115
notes for records 94–95
opening 69
overview 68
private records 94
sorting records 91
Agenda (Date Book view) 108
LED setting 205
lists 96
preset 111
setting in Clock 130
setting in Date Book 101
setting in Note Pad 123
sound 111, 132, 205, 236
vibrate setting 205
Graffiti writing 31
onscreen keyboard 16, 22
Application buttons 6, 17, 68, 69, 70,
71, 200
Address Book 68
beaming 167–168
Calculator 71
categories 43–44
Clock 72
Date Book 67
Expense 72
font style 96
installing 46–50
Launcher 17–18, 43–45
Memo Pad 71
Note Pad 70
opening 18
plug-in 221
preferences for 45
removing 50
security 52
size in kilobytes 248
To Do List 69
version of 248
viewing as icons 44
viewing as list 44
See also Add-on applications
Archive files
importing data from 39
for main applications 39
saving deleted records 76
saving purged records 77
Automatic fill, in Expense 142
Auto-off delay 204
Autotext. See Graffiti ShortCuts
Backlight 5, 201
conserving power 204
gauge 18
life and use 228
recharging 11
recycling 228
warning 262–263
BCC (blind carbon copy) 152
information 167–169
location of IR port 5
pen stroke to activate 202
problems with 246