Index Page 271
synchronizing 146
truncating 165
viewing e-mail 146
Maintenance information 227
Masking records 92
Memo Pad
adding Address Book data to
records 88–89
archive files (.mpa) 39
categorizing records 82
conduit for synchronizing 178
creating records 73, 125
deleting records 75, 104
dragging memos into other
applications 71
fonts 95
menus 127, 129
opening 71
overview 71
private records 94
reviewing memos 126
sorting records 91, 238
amount of free 248
for beaming 246
Calculator 128
regaining 76, 236
Memos. See Memo Pad
Menus 19–21, 237
Address Book 115
choosing 19
command equivalents (Graffiti
writing) 20
command toolbar 20
Date Book 109, 131
Edit menu 74–75
Expense 141
Mail 166
Memo Pad 125, 127, 129
menu bar 16, 19
Network Preferences 221
To Do List 121
Excel, transferring Expense data
to 137–141
Exchange 144
Outlook, connecting to 14, 240
MMC card 3
See also Expansion Card
HotSync operations via 186–191,
initialization string 208
Monday, to start week 204
Month (Date Book view) 107, 110
Moving the cursor (Graffiti writing)
MPA (Memo Pad archive file) 39
MultiMedia Card 3
See also Expansion Card
connecting 214
connection type 216
HotSync operation 192–195
idle timeout 216
login scripts 218–221
password 210
phone settings 212
preferences 209–222
primary DNS 217
secondary DNS 217
selecting connection 211
selecting service 209
TCP/IP 209
user name 210
Note Pad
alarm 123
copying notes into other
applications 70
entering data 38
menus 125
opening 70
overview 70
reviewing notes 122
Notes, attaching to records 94–95
decimal point and thousands
separator 204
Graffiti writing 33
onscreen keyboard 16, 37