video clips 138
voice memos 174
web pages 118
schedules 156
scheduling events 157, 158,
Sci(x) display format 181
scientific calculator 180
scientific notation 181
accessing command
buttons on 33
activating items on 33
adjusting brightness 208,
aligning 209
automatically turning off
43, 221
battery life and 19
disabling 53, 214, 215
locking 215
moving around on 29, 31
protecting 13, 232
scrolling through 32
selecting items on 33, 35
troubleshooting 231–232
turning on or off 43, 221,
waking up 43
screen fonts 208
screen protectors 232
scroll arrows 95
scroll bars 32
scrolling 32, 116
scrolling preferences 122
SD cards 261
SD_Audio folder 148
search results
searching for
contacts 46, 66, 154
specific characters 179
text 121, 179
secondary applications 39
secure connections 128
secure web pages 116
secure websites 115, 248
security 64, 219
See also passwords;
privacy settings
Security button 217, 218
security certificates 115
Security dialog box 217
security software 213
Select Band command 74
Select Band dialog box 74
Select Font dialog box 208
Select Media screen 93
alarm tones 162
applications 40, 200, 201
chat sessions 108
dates 157
favorite buttons 47
home city 163
items in pick lists 35
items on screen 33
menu items 34
music 149
phone numbers 48
photo albums 139, 141
playlists 150
songs 149
text 33, 107, 122
time zones
video albums 140, 141
wallpaper 66, 143
web links 116
self-portrait mirror 14
Send button 13, 48, 92
Send command 187
Send From pick list 187
Send To Device droplet 147
applications over
Bluetooth 187
calls to voicemail 50