90 Chapter 6 : Personal information
4 Search for the contact (see Find a contact) and tap it to link the two
5 After you create the link, be sure the linked contact appears in your
Contacts list under the name you’re most likely to search for and
recognize (and not, say, under a person’s IM screen name, which can
be unrelated to their real name). To do this, tap the contact name you
want to appear, and tap Set As Primary Profile. When you search for
a contact using universal search (see Use universal search), the search
feature looks through primary profile information only.
Unlink a contact
1 Open Contacts .
2 Search for a contact (see Find a contact), and tap the contact name.
3 Tap the contact name in the header, and tap the contact you want to
4 Ta p Unlink This Profile.
Add a contact entry to the Launcher
Assign your favorite contacts to the Launcher, so you can open them directly
from that location.
1 Open Contacts .
2 Search for a contact (see Find a contact), and tap the contact name.
3 Open the application menu and tap Add to Launcher.
4 (Optional) Edit the first and last name as you want them to appear in
the Launcher.
5 Ta p Add To Launcher. To see the contact in the Launcher, scroll down
on page 1.
If the contact has a picture (see Add a photo to a contact), the picture
appears as a Launcher icon. If the contact doesn’t have a picture, the contact
name appears in the Launcher with a placeholder icon. Tap the real or
placeholder icon to open the contact.
Get in touch with a contact
1 Open Contacts .