Chapter 8 : Web and wireless connections 133
• Save a photo to Photos: Press and hold Option and tap the photo. Tap
Copy to Photos.
Add a web page to the Launcher
Add any web pages you visit frequently to the Launcher so you can access
them in a few taps.
1 Open the page you want to add to the Launcher.
2 Open the application menu, tap Page, and tap Add To Launcher.
3 Enter any of the following:
Icon: Tap the currently displayed page icon thumbnail. Then tap, hold,
and drag the web page to use a different portion of the page as the
Launcher icon. You can zoom into or out of the page while selecting
the portion you want to use. The portion that appears in the white
square is used as the icon. Tap Done.
Title: See Text selection gestures for useful gestures if you want to edit
the page title.
URL: Enter or edit the URL for the page. For example, change the URL
to the home page of a site instead of a drill-down page within the site.
4 Ta p Add To Launcher.
The page now appears as an icon on the Launcher. Tap the icon to open the
page. To delete the page from the launcher, see Delete an application.
Create a bookmark
1 Open the page you want to bookmark.
2 Open the application menu and tap Add Bookmark.
3 Enter any of the following:
Icon: Tap the currently displayed bookmark icon. Then tap, hold, and
drag the web page to use a different portion of the page as the
bookmark icon. You can zoom into or out of the page while selecting
the portion you want to use. The portion that appears in the white
square is used as the icon. If you add the bookmark to the Launcher,
the icon is used as the Launcher icon. Tap Done.