Zire™ 72 Handheld 403
CHAPTER 18 Sending and Receiving E-mail Messages
c. Do any of the following:
Display Name Enter the name you want to appear on your outgoing
messages, such as “Joe Smith.”
Reply To Address Enter the e-mail address that you want recipients to see and
reply to on your e-mail messages, only if it is different from the e-mail address
from which you are sending the message. For example, if you are sending a
message from me@yahoo.com but you want recipients to reply to
me@earthlink.net, enter the reply-to address here. Reply To Address makes it
look as if the e-mail came from the address you entered.
BCC Select the BCC check box to send a blind copy of any e-mail message you
send to another e-mail address. The blind copy e-mail address is not seen by
the other recipients of the message. For example, if you want a copy of all
messages you send from your handheld to be sent to your desktop e-mail
account, enter that e-mail address.
d. Select OK.