Zire™ 72 Handheld 623
CHAPTER 29 Common Questions
I can’t get my handheld to recognize my handwriting.
For your handheld to recognize handwriting input with the stylus, you need to use Graffiti® 2
writing. Use the Graffiti 2 help to learn how to write characters.
Your handheld recognizes your own personal handwriting in the Note Pad application
• Make the Graffiti 2 character strokes in the Graffiti 2 input area, not on the display part of the
screen. If you want to write on the display part of the screen, turn full-screen writing on
• Write Graffiti 2 strokes for lowercase letters in the left side, strokes for capital letters in the
middle, and strokes for numbers in the right side of the Graffiti 2 writing area.
• Make sure that Graffiti 2 is not in shift mode.
• Make sure that Graffiti 2 is not in Punctuation Shift mode.
The info I entered does not appear in an application.
• Check the Categories pick list in the upper-right corner of the application screen. Select All to
display all the records for the application.
• Did you set private records to be hidden? Check Security Preferences
to see that Private Records
is set to Show private records.
• Open the Options menu and select Preferences. Make sure Show Completed Tasks is selected.
I don’t know how to save the info I entered in an application.
Each time you complete an entry such as a contact, memo, or note, your handheld automatically
saves the information you entered. You don’t have to do anything special to save your info. To
protect your info and create a backup of your info, we recommend that you s
ynchronize your
handheld with your computer often.