Series 8900SH Control Panel Operation And Installation Manual
Section 1 Introduction And Specifications
The Manufacturer warrants the equipment described as the Series 8900 Control Panel to
be free from defects in material or workmanship under normal use and service. The
Manufacturer's obligation under this warranty shall be limited to repairing or replacing any
part of said panel, which the Manufacturer’s examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to
be thus defective, for a period of One (1) Year after date of original installation provided
proper evidence of such installation is recorded at the factory and installation is in
accordance with TRIAD design.
The Manufacturer further agrees that if the Series 8900 Circuit Board(s) shall be
disclosed to the manufacturer's satisfaction to be defective under normal use and service
during a period of Five (5) Years after date of original installation, a replacement Circuit
Board will be furnished the owner free of charge, exclusive of any applicable federal, state
or local taxes.
All repairs and/or replacements furnished shall be F.O.B. TRIAD's factory. The
Manufacturer shall not be liable for freight, drayages installation and/or other labor costs
and any other costs or expenses involved with direct replacement of the defective parts.
Defective part failures covered by this warranty should be promptly reported to the
Manufacturer. This Warranty voided if Panel sustains an excessive surge in primary or
secondary voltage.
This Warranty is in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and of all other
obligations or liabilities on the part of the Manufacturer, and the Manufacturer neither
assumes nor authorizes any other person(s) to assume for it any obligation or liability in
connection with the sale of said equipment or any part thereof. This Warranty will not apply
to said equipment or any part thereof which has been subject to any accident, negligence.
misapplication, alteration, abuse or misuse. Nor does it apply outside the boundaries of the
United States.