Series 8900SH Control Panel Operation And Installation Manual
Section 9 Fine Tuning The Heating System
Code 23:
The next step is to use Code 23 to ensure the panel has automatic control of the Reset Ratio.
Enter code 23 and input 0 to have it automatically calculated.
Code 24:
The next step is to use Code 24 to set the Rate of Change Factor. As explained in Section 8,
the rate of change factor controls the speed
at which the timer counts from 00 to 99. When 99
is reached, the panel either fires a boiler or shuts a boiler off. The Rate of Change Factor is
important to the system’s efficiency because if the count is too fast the boilers will short cycle,
and if the count is too slow there is a lag between the need for heat and the firing of the
boilers. TRIAD recommends an initial setting of .10.
By viewing Code 18 you can get a feel for how long the boilers have been running in each
cycle. For maximum efficiency, the boilers should fire for a minimum of 30 minutes. If they
aren’t, reduce Code 24 by .01, for a setting of .09. Check daily and continue to reduce your
entry by .01 until a run time of 30 minutes is achieved.
Once you feel the building is being heated as efficiently as possible, record the settings and
keep in a safe place.
TRIAD has a system available that can remotely monitor the control panel that is designed to
be used with an IBM-compatible PC and consists of a modem, an interface, and software.
This allows the control panel settings to be monitored or changed from a remote station. It is
possible to operate several buildings from one central location. More information is available
from TRIAD.