User Manual 165
Display feature list
You can access the following features. These displays can be shown by rotating the Jog Dial or
pressing "NEXT" or "PREV" button after selecting "Features." For their operation, please refer to the
respective operating instructions in the list below.
(KX-T7536 / KX-T7235)
(KX-T7531 / KX-T7533)
Feature Description
Absent MSG Off ABST MSG Off Cancel the absent message.
Please refer to "To cancel" in
"2.5.3 Showing an Absent
Message on the Caller's
Telephone Display (Absent
Message Capability)."
Absent MSG On ( 1-9) ABST MSG On 1-9 Set an absent message. Please
refer to "To set" in
"2.5.3 Showing an Absent
Message on the Caller's
Telephone Display (Absent
Message Capability)."
BSY Out Cancel ( PHY) BSY Out Cancel Cancel the Trunk Busy-out
setting. *Please refer to
"3.2.3 Trunk Busy-out
BSY Out Confirm ( PHY) BSY Out Confirm Confirm the Trunk Busy-out
setting. *Please refer to
"3.2.3 Trunk Busy-out
BSY Out Set ( PHY) BSY Out Set Busy out a specific trunk.
*Please refer to "3.2.3 Trunk
Busy-out Setting."
Busy Ovrd Deny ( 1/0) BSY Ovr DNY 1/0 Deny or allow other people the
possibility of joining your
conversation. Please refer to
"2.7.9 Denying Other People
the Possibility of Joining Your
Conversation (Executive Busy
Override Deny)."
C.Pickup CO C.Pickup CO Pick up an outside call for
another extension.
Please refer to "2.3.3
Answering a Call Ringing at
Another Telephone (Call