Operator/Manager Operation
210 User Manual
Error Message
x: Shelf Number (1-3)
yy: Slot Number (01-14)
z: Error Number
Error Message List (Priority order)
Error Message Description Priority Alarm LED
ERR CLCK IC Calendar IC failure 1 A
ERR DC DOWN DC power down 1 B
B/S FAN FLT! Basic shelf fan alarm 1 E
E/S1 FAN FLT! Expansion shelf 1 fan alarm 1 E
E/S2 FAN FLT! Expansion shelf 2 fan alarm 1 E
B/S OVER HEAT! Basic shelf heat alarm 1 E
E/S1 OVER HEAT! Expansion shelf 1 heat alarm 1 E
E/S2 OVER HEAT! Expansion shelf 2 heat alarm 1 E
ERR TSW DWN TSW clock down 1 B
ERR BAT ALM CPU RAM battery alarm 1 A
ERR AC DOWN AC power down 2 B
ERR xyy CRD ERR Option Card failure 2 A
ERR xyy DISCNCT Card disconnect 2 B
ERR xyy DTR AIS Digital trunk AIS reception 2 D
Regarding the E1/T1 card, please refer to "Reference Guide for E1/T1 Digital Trunk card."
ERR xyy DTR FRM Digital trunk frame failure 2 D
ERR xyy DTR RAI Digital trunk RAI reception 2 D
ERR xyy DTR SYC Digital trunk out of synchronisation 2 D
ERR xyy LPR RAM Option Card RAM failure 2 A
ERR xyy LPR ROM Option Card ROM failure 2 A
ERR xyyz MODEM Modem failure 2 A
ERR xyy OGM LOS DISA OGM is lost 2 C
ERR xyy OPX POW OPX power failure 2 C
ERR SMDR Printer is not connected 2 B
ERR xyy DTR MLT Digital trunk multi frame error 2 D
ERR xyy DTR RAT Digital trunk error rate over 2 D
ERR xyy DSP1LNK DSP-1 link failure 2 D
ERR xyy CD FLT Card status fault 2 A