Operating Instructions
Digital TV or some channels (services) may not have yet commenced in your area.
There are some towns and regions in Australia that cannot yet receive digital
television. In some towns and regions not all broadcasters have commenced their
digital services. You can check the digital coverage for your area at the Reception
Locator on the DBA website (www.dba.org.au/reception).
Signal Strength
The signal received may be too poor to allow the digital receiver to find some or all
available channels.
Your old antenna may not be designed to receive all DTV channels.
Antenna reception performance has deteriorated due to weathering, corrosion of
antenna connections / cabling and broken elements.
If you live within 5-10km of DTV transmission towers, a combined VHF/UHF
antenna should be adequate. Outside this area, separate VHF and UHF antennas
provide superior reception performance.
Depending on DTV signal conditions, some installations may instead require a
VHF/UHF masthead amplifier.
In a shared antenna system the existing Master Antenna TV (MATV) system may
have been originally designed for analogue PAL TV only, and may require a
substantial upgrade or replacement to also carry DTV signals. Please consult your
Body Corporate.
For your safety any external aerial should be installed by a reputable qualified
installer and should comply with Australian Standard AS1417.1.
Some channels display ‘No Signal’ or ‘Loss of Signal’
Received signal is “too weak” (i.e.; poor quality) to generate a stable picture.
Please check antenna & cabling or contact your local TV antenna installer.
Picture regularly breaks up on some channels
The received signal may be too weak to allow the digital TV receiver to reliably
“lock” to the desired signal and generate a stable picture. Please check antenna &
cabling or contact your local TV antenna installer.