Operating Instructions
Impulse Noise
Interference from household appliances such as lights, refrigerators, washing
machines, electric stoves, etc may cause pictures to break up and audio to mute or
distort momentarily.
In the first instance, replace antenna fly-lead with a quality RG6 or RG59 Quad
Shield 75 ohm coaxial cable fly lead. If problem persists, check / improve antenna
& cabling or contact your local TV antenna installer. The possible cause could be
poor quality coaxial cable installed in the walls or ceiling picking up impulse noise.
This coaxial cable will need to be replaced with quad shield.
A masthead amplifier may be “over-boosting” the antenna signal, which is
overloading the DTV tuner, resulting in poor reception on some or all channels.
Please contact your local TV antenna installer.
Picture very infrequently breaks up on some or all channels
Electrical atmospheric interference caused by local or distant lighting storms or
heavy rain with wind in “leafy” locations may cause pictures to break up and audio
to mute or distort momentarily.
Impulse noise interference from an infrequently used electrical appliance, or a
passing vehicle or lawn mower with a “noisy” ignition system may be the cause.