Monitoring the HotWire DSLAM
November 1997
DSL Configuration RTU Screens
Use the system information sub-menu of the RTU screens to display read-only
RTU information.
" Procedure
1. Follow this menu sequence:
RTU Config.
2. The RTU Information menu appears. Select the submenu option as shown in
Table 7-11 and press Return.
Table 7-11. RTU Information
RTU Information B-F-A
Displays RTU information such as RTU type, system, location, and contact, model
number, serial number, version of firmware, and version of hardware.
Port # – Enter the RTU port number.
RTU Type – Model number of endpoint. For Model 8540, possible endpoints are
5170/5171/5246/5216. For Model 8546, possible endpoints are 5446r1/5446r2/5586).
System Name – Name assigned to the card.
System Contact – Name of number of the person responsible for the card.
System Location – Physical location of the system.
Model Num – Model number of card. (This field only appears on Model 8540 and is
read only.)
Serial Num – Serial number of card. (This field only appears on Model 8540 and is read
Firmware Rev. – Version of firmware. (This field only appears on Model 8540 and is
read only.)
Hardware Rev. – Version of hardware. (This field only appears on Model 8540 and is
read only.)