November 1997
Logical Entities screen, 5-12, 6-16
Management Communications Controller card, 1-3
Martian Networks screen, 5-8, 6-12
MCC , 1-3
MCC card, 1-3
MCC User Accounts (For Telnet terminal access to
MCC Card), A-1
MIB, descriptions, F-1– F-20
navigation keys, 2-1, 2-5
network interface options, 5-5, 5-7, 5-12, 5-14, 6-2,
6-8, 6-11, 6-12, 6-16, 6-19, 6-20, 7-2, 7-3, 7-5,
7-6, 7-12, 7-15, 7-16, 7-21, 7-22, 7-29, 7-32, 8-2,
NVRAM Clear screen, 5-3, 6-3
NVRAM Config Loader screen, 5-3, 6-4
objects for MIBs, F-1– F-20, G-1– G-15
Operator access, 1-4
Ping screen, 8-2
port naming convention, 4-1
POTS splitter, 1-1
PPP screen, 6-10
Reboot Card (DSL), A-3
Reboot Card (MCC), A-2
Reset DSL Slot screen, 5-14
Reset Slot screen, 5-14
Reset System screen, 5-4, 6-4
RFCs, MIB descriptions, F-1– F-17
RTU Information screen, 6-20, 7-32
s1b, 4-1
Security screen, 5-12, 6-16
Selftest screen, 8-4
Server 1–8 screen, 6-19
Servers 9–16 screen, 6-19
Set IP Address screen, 5-14
Setting Up SNMP Features, Enable DSL Port Traps,
setup instructions (optional), 3-3
Simple Network Management Protocol, 1-3
SNMP, traps, E-4– E-7
SNMP Communities/TRaps screen, 5-13
SNMP Communities/Traps screen, 5-13, 6-17
SNMP Features
Strings and Authentication Failure Trap, B-2
Management System Source Validation for DSL
cards, B-1, B-2
SNMP Features , B-1
SNMP Logical Entities screen, 5-12, 6-16
SNMP Security screen, 5-12, 6-16
Static Routes screen, 5-8, 6-12
Status screen, 7-5, 7-21
system backplane interface (s1b), 4-1
System Information screen, 5-2, 6-2