User Interfaces DMD15/DMD15L IBS/IDR Satellite Modem
4-52 TM051 – Rev. 5.8
The following multi-drop override IDs are device-type specific, with the exception of
"BROADCAST". These are summarized below with ID values expressed in decimal notation:
Directly-Addressed Equipment Multi-Drop Override ID
Broadcast (all directly-linked devices) 00
DMD-3000/4000, 4500 or 5000 Mod Section, DMD15 01
DMD-3000/4000, 4500 or 5000 Demod Section, DMD15 02
RCU-340 1:1 Switch 03
RCS-780 1:N Switch 04
RMUX-340 Cross-Connect Multiplexer 05
CDS-780 Clock Distribution System 06
SOM-340 Second Order Multiplexer 07
DMD-4500/5000 Modulator Section 08
DMD-4500/5000 Demodulator Section 09
RCU-5000 M:N Switch 10
DMD15 Modulator 20
DMD15 Demodulator 21
DMD15 Modem 22
DVB3000/3030 Video Modulator, DM240 23
RCS20 M:N Switch 24
RCS10 M:N Switch 25
RCS11 1:1 Switch 26
Reserved for future equipment types 27-31
Note that multi-drop override IDs 01 or 02 can be used interchangeably to broadcast a message
to a DMD-3000/4000 modem, or to a DMD-4500/5000, or to a DMD15 modem. Radyne Corp.
recommends that the multi-drop override IDs be issued only during system configuration as a bus
test tool by experienced programmers, and that they not be included in run-time software. It is
also advantageous to consider the use of multiple bus systems where warranted by a moderate to
large equipment complement.
Therefore, if a DMD15 Modulator is queried for its equipment type identifier, it will return a "20"
and DMD15 Demodulator will return a "21". A DMD15 Modem will also return a "22".