User Interfaces DMD15/DMD15L IBS/IDR Satellite Modem
4-56 TM051 – Rev. 5.8
4.9.3 DMD15/DMD15L Opcode Command Set
The DMD15/DMD15L Opcode Command Set is listed below:
4.9.4 Modem Command Set
Command Opcode
Query Modulator Configuration and Status 2400h
Query Demodulator Configuration and Status 2401h
Query Modem Drop & Insert Map 2402h
Query Modems Identification 2403h
Query Modem Control Mode 2404h
Query Modulator Latched Alarms 2405h
Query Demodulator Latched Alarms 2406h
Query Modem Latched Alarms 2407h
Query Modulator Current Alarms 2408h
Query Demodulator Current Alarms 2409h
Query Modem Current Alarms 240Ah
Query Modulator Status 240Bh
Query Demodulator Status 240Ch
Query Modem Eb/No, BER and Level 240Dh
Query Time 240Eh
Query Date 240Fh
Query Time and Date 2410h
Query Modem Summary Faults 2411h