2000-A2-GB20-10 - 85 - February 2004
1. On the ATM Configuration menu, type 1 to select Configure Payload
2. The IAD displays the status and a prompt:
Payload scrambling is DISABLE
Enter E to Enable, D to Disable:
To enable payload scrambling type E, or type D to disable payload
3. The IAD saves the configuration and displays the ATM Configuration
menu where you may continue with other ATM tasks.
4. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish ATM configuration.
Configuring the F4 OAM VPI
One one F4 OAM VPI may be configured at a time. When you are
configuring an F4 OAM VPI, if one is not configured, the IAD displays the
message, “F4 OAM not configured”; otherwise the current configuration is
To configure the F4 OAM VPI:
1. On the ATM Configuration menu, type 2 to select Configure F4 OAM
This value must match one of the WAN PVCs. For more information, see
Configuring ATM PVCs on page 75.
2. The IAD displays the status and a prompt:
F4 End to end OAM VPI 0
Enter Virtual Port Identifier (VPI):
Type the VPI on which to configure F4 OAM.
3. The IAD saves the configuration and displays the ATM Configuration
menu where you may continue with other ATM tasks.
4. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish ATM configuration.
Configuring the F4 OAM Type
To configure the F4 OAM type:
1. On the ATM Configuration menu, type 3 to select Configure F4 OAM
Type. The IAD displays this menu:
Figure 4–55. ATM Configuration Menu
Type 0 to set F4 OAM to none, or type 4 to set for End to End OAM.
2. The IAD saves the configuration and displays the ATM Configuration
menu where you may continue with other ATM tasks.
3. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish ATM configuration.
F4 OAM Type Configuration Menu
0. None
4. F4 End to End OAM