
2000-A2-GB20-10 - 136 - February 2004
1. Type 1 to select Set Loop Gain for all ports.
2. The IAD displays this prompt for the transmit loop:
Enter Transmit Loop Gain for all ports (range -9dB/
3dB) [-2dB]:
Type the value (include a dash for negative values) and press Enter.
3. The IAD displays this prompt for the receive loop:
Enter Receive Loop Gain for all ports (range -9dB/
3dB) [-4dB]: -5
Type the value (include a dash for negative values) and press Enter.
4. The IAD saves the loop gain values and displays the menu.
5. Press Escape to return to the Voice Configuration menu and continue
voice path configuration.
6. Reset the IAD (page 14) when you finish voice path configuration.