1. Network Management Specification
94 June 2003 8000-A2-GB30-00
10.1.12 pdnSyslogRateLimiting (RW):
Valid values are disable (1), enable (2). This allows one to enable or disable rate limitiming.
When rate limiting is enabled, it prevents the exact same message from being resent within
a fixed amount of time.
10.2 Paradyne Health and Status MIB (mpe_HealthAndStatus.mib)
The Paradyne health & Status MIB is used to store the results of the Power On Self Test
(POST). It is indexed by the entPhysicalIndex of the unit being selftested.
10.2.1 mpeDevSelfTestResults (RO) :
The format for the selfTest results is as follows:
“RAM=%c, FPGAs=%c, PLDS=%c, NAND Flash=%c, File System=%c, ATM
Switch=%c, SAR=%c, I2C Bus=%c, Temperature Monitor=%c, PLLs=%c, SEEP=%c, Fan
Tachometer=%c, Ethernet Interface=%c, Console Interface=%c”
Where %c is:
‘P’ = Passed.
‘F’ = Failed.
‘D’ = Disabled.
‘N’ = Not available.
10.3 Traps.
10.3.1 pdnDevConfigTrapsEnable (RW) (pdnTrapMgr.mib):
This enterprise object allows NMS to turn on/off the generation of notifications in the
device. The possible values are:
• enabled (1) - default
10.3.2 devLastTrapString (pdn_HealthAndStatus.mib)
This is the value of the last trap string variable appended to every supported trap.
Table 1-97. Health and Status MIB
Table Comments
mpeDevHealthAndStatusEntry mpeDevSelfTestResults
Table 1-98. devLastTrapString (1 of 4)
Trap devLastTrapString
LinkDown "Link [administratively] down"
LinkUp "Link up"
WarmStart "Unit Reset."
AuthenticationFailureTrap "Too many successive login errors from User at "+IpAddress