1. Network Management Specification
50 June 2003 8000-A2-GB30-00 ATM Cell Layer Table (atmfM4ATMLayerEntry)
These are the ATM Forum M4 interface Configuration table extensions for the ATM cell
layer. The default configuration of an entry in this table is used whenever the entries for the
physical path TP, etc., are created. The management system configures a UNI, B-ICI, or
B-ISSI on the interface by first modifying the atmfM4IfType column (this can be done in
the same SNMP Set-request that sets up the other necessary variables. “atmfM4IfType” Object (atmfM4ATMLayerEntry 1)
Always uni(1). “atmfM4IfSubscriberAddress” Object (atmfM4ATMLayerEntry 3)
Returns zero length string. Used for SVCs. “atmfM4IfPreferredCarrier” Object (atmfM4ATMLayerEntry 4)
Returns zero length string. Used for SVCs. “atmfM4IfFarEndCarrierNetwork” Object (atmfM4ATMLayerEntry 5)
Returns zero length string. Used for SVCs in B-ICI interface.
6.3.2 VCL Termination Point Configuration Table (atmfM4VclEntry) “atmfM4VclSegEndPt” Object (atmfM4VclEntry 1)
Specifies whether the VCL termination point is a segment end-point. The only valid value
for this object is:
•false (2)
6.3.3 VC Cross-Connect Table (atmfM4VcXConnEntry)
This table augments the VC Cross-Connect configuration table in RFC 2515. “atmfM4VcXConnRecover” Object (atmfM4VcXConnEntry1)
The only valid value for this object is: true.
6.3.4 ATM Cell Protocol Monitoring Current Data (atmfM4CellProtoCurrEntry)
Each ATM interface automatically has an entry in this table associated with it This table
maintains per-interface statistics for the fifteen-minute interval currently being collected.
Supported by unknown cell process. “atmfM4CellProtoCurrInOAMCells” Object
(ATMfM4CellProtoCurrEntry 3)
Count of OAM Cells on this interface.
6.3.5 ATM Cell Protocol Monitoring History Data (atmfM4CellProtoHistEntry)
This table maintains per-interface statistics for previous fifteen-minute intervals. “atmfM4CellProtoHistInOAMCells”Object (atmfM4CellProtoHistEntry
Count of OAM Cells on this interface.